
a part time job club membership and dating

a part time job club membership and dating

a part time job club membership and dating

a part time job club membership and dating

a part time job club membership and dating

a part time job club membership and dating

a part time job club membership and dating

a part time job club membership and dating

a part time job club membership and dating

a part time job club membership and dating

welcome to shlomo's shavuot page!  here you will find  a few things iv'e come up with for this important holiday

a part time job club membership and dating

here are a few past shavuot sholomos drashes

shlomo's drash shavuot 5764 - fire, ice and eagles  shavuot came a few days early for me, while on a a little cruise.....

shlomo's drash shavuot 5765 - when joe met sol  what hppens when the author of l'cha dodi  meets the author of the shulchan aruch?

tikkun l'eil handouts

the alef  beit of the schoolchildren:  here is my handout for the 5766 tikun l'eil at beth emet the free synagogue from shabbat 104a and genesis rabbah ii:11. who are these kids anyway?

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